
Orthodontics Is Not Just For Children: Reasons Why Adults Engage In Treatment

Have you wanted to improve your smile for a long time? Have your teeth moved since your treatment? Have you never had the time or the opportunity to undergo orthodontic treatment? We have good news for you – today, orthodontic treatments are no longer just for children and adolescents! No matter how old you are, it’s never too late to improve your dental health and improve your smile.

Can adults go for orthodontics?

A question that comes up often when we are contacted in the office. Our response is always the same: Yes, absolutely, adults too can have orthodontic treatment. Some adults have never received orthodontic treatment as a child to correct problems with alignment, occlusion, or poor jaw position.

If left untreated, beyond aesthetics, these problems can lead to:

  • Cavities,
  • Gum disease,
  • Headache and earache,
  • As well as problems with speech, biting or chewing.

Like children, adults can enjoy the benefits of better oral health and a new smile thanks to orthodontics.

Several types of treatment possible

Several types of orthodontic treatment are possible for adults, followed at the end of the treatment by the installation of a compression wire as well as safety gutters. These elements are highly recommended, to prevent the teeth from moving and you do not have to perform another treatment afterwards! More and more adult patients today call on orthodontists, but watch out for the practitioner you are talking to: adult treatment is very different from children! Only specialist orthodontists know how to treat these cases as precisely as possible.


Reasons Why Adults Need Orthodontic Treatment

There are many reasons why you may want to consider orthodontic treatment:

  • Maybe you have jaw pain?
  • Maybe you have trouble cleaning your teeth properly?
  • Poor oral health can also have an impact on your social life and / or your ability to find a job

1.       Because it is very important to have a beautiful smile!

Your smile is one of the first things people notice. If you are ashamed of your teeth, if you are afraid of smiling, if you try to hide your teeth, your discomfort will be transmitted to others. The impact of a smile is priceless, and it can be seen dozens of times a day. Many people say that their unsightly teeth prevent them from living their lives to the fullest. So why not get orthodontic treatment today, which will set you free tomorrow? The results will amaze you! And you will no longer feel embarrassed by your teeth in the future

2.       Because teeth have been able to move at any age

Teeth can move at any age, even if they are healthy. Perhaps you have had naturally straight teeth in the past but your teeth have moved? This can indeed happen for various reasons. You may have had a device in the past, but you may need it again. Why? Because teeth can move naturally over time and many treatments are not followed by restraint. Today, restraint is almost systematic and can last a long time. But that hasn’t always been the case, and many practitioners have not practiced it as much in the past.

3.       To avoid serious dental and oral health problems

Research has shown that the frequency of misalignment in adults is comparable to that of children and adolescents. In case of cross–bite (when there is a gap between the 2 jaws – or of misaligned teeth, you increase the risk of plaque formation and food retention between your teeth. You promote the appearance of gum disease, cavities, bone loss, irregular wear of the tooth enamel… and many other health problems. Cross joint (or cross bite): This is a misalignment of the jaws, which leads to upper teeth that bite on the inside of the bottom teeth on one side, and the outside of the other side.

4.       To avoid corollary health problems

Incorrect smile can also lead to other health problems. You can indeed suffer from headaches and earaches, but also gastrointestinal problems related to incorrect chewing. If you accidentally bite your cheek or upper mouth regularly, we advise you to consult an orthodontist.

5.       Because today, solutions are more effective, painless and easy to use!

Orthodontic methods have evolved over the years: you no longer have to wear a set of metal rings instead of your smile!

  • Lingual orthodontic appliances use rings placed on the inside of the teeth, inside the mouth.

This method requires a great mastery of the practitioner.

  • Invisalign transparent aligners are also very popular among adults due to their great practicality.

These transparent and removable plastic gutters are worn directly on the teeth and do not use metal or wires. So, there is no dietary restriction, and you can brush your teeth and floss as you normally would.

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