A problem of occlusion between the upper and lower teeth leads to difficulties in chewing, and therefore digestion. For a healthy living, you must prioritize your dental health. You need to visit orthodontics for the treatment of your dental issues. You need not miss the importance of your teeth. As teeth do not only help you to chew food but also help you to look good and brace your smile.
Can everyone benefit from treatment?
Yes, provided you have a healthy oral environment: no cavities, crowns to ask, or periodontal disease.
What are the benefits of orthodontics?
If the first motivation remains a smile, the benefits of orthodontics do not stop at the aesthetic dimension. A problem of occlusion between the upper and lower teeth leads to difficulties in chewing, and therefore digestion. Also, when the teeth overlap, brushing teeth is not optimal. It promotes cavities and the risk of periodontal disease.
Some dentists send their patients to a colleague orthodontist when they have difficulties in putting an implant or a bridge, for example. Poor positioning of the teeth also has consequences on the overall postural balance.
Indeed, a bad interlocking of the teeth and a malocclusion have an impact on the positioning of the vertebral column, thus favoring scoliosis and vertebral pains.
What are the main methods proposed?
As for children, external metal rings, sometimes ceramic, are also available to adults. It is the least expensive method, but it has disadvantages: visible equipment, brushing difficulti,es and prohibition of certain foods. You can forget about raw vegetables, peanuts, caramel, some meats, and, more generally, all sticky foods, crunchy and difficult to chew. Whatever the method is chosen, the treatment ends with the installation of a temporary or permanent compression to stabilize the teeth. This can sometimes be replaced by gutters to wear during the night. The wearing of restraint usually lasts two years but may be extended in some cases.
Is it painful?
It all depends on the method used. Lingual orthodontics and rings are more uncomfortable than plastic gutters. The risk of injury to the tongue and canker sore is also more common. Some people have temporary speech difficulties. From time to time, pains can appear: it is the sign that the teeth move.
How long does a treatment take?
It all depends on the complexity of the cases to be treated and the good observance of the treatment. A simple case can be settled in six months, while others will take several years. On average, count between 12 and 18 months.
What budget do you anticipate?
Each practitioner is free to set own rates. The cost can vary considerably from one specialist to another. Overall, it takes half a year around 800 dollars for metal rings, 1500 dollars for a lingual device, and around 1100 dollars for invisible gutters.
Can I get dental care during treatment?
A descaling is not a problem, but some care is more difficult to achieve. This is why it is advisable to consult your dentist before considering a treatment. With invisible gutters, the dentist can treat a decay, lay a temporary crown or implant. Sometimes, the treatment may be temporarily suspended the time to take impressions and make new gutters. You must decide carefully to invest in your orthodontics treatment. As a onetime investment can save you from multiple issues.